New Drug Promises to Halve Injection Frequency for Macular Degeneration

The need for frequent injections, along with the associated cost and travel time, is a big challenge for people with neovascular age-related macular degeneration, their caregivers and their [...]


New Wearable Device Helps Blind & Vision-Impaired People Read Again

A new wearable device that converts text to speech could help people who are blind or vision-impaired to read again and recognise faces. The OrCam MyEye is a small, lightweight and inconspicuous [...]


Glaucoma & the Ageing Optic Nerve

Like a fibre-optic TV cable in which the bandwidth determines the signal transmission speed and the image quality, the human eye has its own cable—the optic nerve—which connects the back of our [...]

New Light-Adjustable Cataract Lens

Cataract surgery, the most common surgical operation performed on the planet, is about to become even more sophisticated following the recent approval by European and American regulatory [...]