Your Journey through Brisbane Eye Clinic

Clinical Pathway

This Clinic provides an experienced team care approach to the treatment of your eye condition.

Your journey through the clinic may take up to 2 hours from your appointment time.

Team Care process

Arrival at the Brisbane Eye Clinic, check in process undertaken.

Initial time in the transit Lounge. Please bring reading material or mobile device.

Your appointment will commence with the Ophthalmic Assistant or Clinical Optometrist for preliminary testing and administering dilating eye drops. This may include taking patient history, vision testing and testing your intraocular pressure.

You will then be asked to be seated at the secondary transit lounge to allow your pupils to dilate prior to meeting the Ophthalmologist. Pupil dilation can take up to 45 minutes. Further tests such as biometry, optical coherence tomography and/or computerised perimetry may be undertaken.

The Ophthalmologist will be provided all the information from your referring practitioner by the Ophthalmic Assistant or Optometrist.

You will see the Ophthalmologist for assessment and diagnosis followed by an explanation of your condition. The Doctor will discuss your proposed treatment plan and be pleased to answer any questions you may have.

Departure via the reception area for arrangement of your future bookings required and settlement of accounts.

Note: your visit may take longer if you need specialised testing or have a complex eye problem. These may include formal visual field testing, photography, angiography, high resolution scans of the back of the eye, ultrasound or biometry.

Follow up appointments

The process through the Brisbane Eye Clinic is similar for follow up appointments. All patients will be seen by the Ophthalmic Assistant for pre-testing and in most cases, patients will be required to have their eyes dilated for a comprehensive eye examination. Please be prepared to be at the Brisbane Eye Clinic for up to 2 hours.