The Brisbane Eye Clinic respects and upholds your rights to privacy protection under the National Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1998. The National Privacy Principles apply to us from their introduction on 21 December 2001. Under these guidelines, the Brisbane Eye Clinic requires your permission to collect personal information about you and to use this information in the management of your medical care. This practice has a Privacy and Information Handling Policy and copies are available for your perusal at any time.

Please carefully read the following information about privacy issues.

The Brisbane Eye Clinic may hold the following information about you:

  • Name, address, telephone numbers, email address
  • Date of birth
  • Occupation
  • Health information (including details of your medical history, family medical history, notes made during consultations, results of investigations, reports received from other health providers)
  • General practitioner, referring doctor, other specialists involved in your care
  • Returned Service Organisation
  • Pensioner or Health Care Card details
  • Medicare number
  • Transaction details associated with services provided to you by providers at Brisbane Eye Clinic
  • Additional information provided to us by you
  • Information provided to use through patient/referrer surveys

This information is collected in order to provide you with the optimum medical care.

During the management of your medical condition it may be necessary for the Brisbane Eye Clinic to use this information in the following ways:

  • By providing written or verbal reports to other Medical Practitioners or allied health professionals involved in your care to help keep them informed about your progress
  • Referrals to other Medical Practitioners, pathology services, radiology services or allied health professionals or health organizations for services to assist in your medical care
  • In the event that you are somehow incapacitated and therefore unable to provide ‘informed consent’ in relation to emergency medical care, the person that you nominate as your next of kin on the ‘Patient Information Sheet’ will be contacted
  • The administration of the medical practice
  • To process claims for payment to private health funds and Medicare in accordance with Health Insurance Commission and health fund requirements
  • To disclose to others for medical defense purposes if necessary

Online payments: Brisbane Eye Clinic provide this payment online service via the National Australia Bank.  When you make a payment, you will be transferred to the external NAB transact site where you will be required to enter your payment details. Brisbane Eye Clinic do not access the data pertaining to the financial information. Details of the date, patient, invoice and payment amount are relayed to Brisbane Eye Clinic for our payments records only. Once your receipt has been provided on the National Australia Bank payment site, you will be able to return to the Brisbane Eye Clinic website by clicking the link at the bottom of your receipt.