Free Eye Examinations for Patients in Need

A US not-for-profit organisation has given better sight to over 1 million people in more than 40 developing countries—for free.

Vision Spring offers communities free eye tests in ‘pop-up’ exam rooms. The company then pays for the production of the spectacles needed, which are sold at low cost locally.

Many people struggle to support their families simply because they can’t afford glasses. Truck drivers with blurry vision strain to see pedestrians. Coffee farmers are unable to spot ripe coffee beans. Children get headaches from squinting. Students who can’t see the chalk board are considered poor learners.

A simple eye exam and a pair of prescription glasses can often easily fix these issues.

In just 8 years, Vision Spring, an offshoot of spectacle retailer Warby Parker, has helped over 1 million people.

Warby Parker’s philanthropic service is facilitated by their remarkable success in the entrepreneurial online marketplace for prescription glasses. Their unique sales platform allows customers to have their vision tested online and to choose frames which are delivered to them so that they can try them on at home before buying.

For each pair of glasses sold, Warby Parker donates a pair through Vision Spring.

This innovative approach meets first-world consumers’ needs for convenience, while making a real difference to the daily lives of millions—all with a simple pair of prescription glasses.

